Reflect The Truth

Blerim Racaj


Donika” and “Drini” are fragments from the photographic project ”Vend” (an Albanian word for Place, Location, Home), the project examines the notion of place and belonging in relation to first and second-generation of Kosovan diaspora based in London, the project conveys metaphorical and literal experiences as a single vehicle.

Blerim Racaj is a visual artist originally from Kosovo based in London; his photographic work deploys vocabulary of documentary language. He utilities the liminal space related to his social and cultural belonging, usually using portraiture and landscapes as rhetorical components. He received his M.A. in Photographic Studies from University of Westminster.


“Donika”与“Drini” 是构成摄影作品集“Vend”(阿尔巴尼亚语译地点,地方,归属和家)的一部分, 此作品集同时通过隐喻和文字,实践表达了地点与归属感在两代伦敦科索沃散居家庭的情感关系中的概念.

Blerim Racaj 是一名来自科索沃的视觉艺术家,威敏斯特大学艺术研究生毕业,现居伦敦;他的摄影作品采用纪实写实手法,有效地将有限的空间与他的社会/ 文化归属感联系起来,常将人像与风景作为自己作品的表现手法。